Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Project Updates 2011

Artist's thoughts,
One of the things that I'm sure everyone does at the start of a new year, is look back at the previous year to find what worked and what didn't.  During 2010 I had some stories that I loved at the onset, and a few I had to alter dramatically.

This is all okay. It's all "Part of the show," as they say. A few stories had titles change, for various reasons. Some I had to put on the shelf for a later date. Now, that the stack of story scripts is slimmer, the focus gets tighter. I'm grateful that this is my love. Long hours are but a sigh. A gasp until morning. Poetry? Uh, no. But how sad it is to say goodbye to a character you created. The cool thing is they find work in another story quite easily. I seldom have to convince the others to take them in. The interesting thing is the "Rewrite Phase." It's a head-banging-heartfelt thing. An inner knowing when it's finished, and a bold nerve to release it.

The animated DVD music project, "Candle Dance," "Dancetown," "The Heart Of Czardas," (formerly UNEX1), are already well underway and going well. "Dancetown" was/is tricky because the scenes were/are very labor intensive. My 'classic-theme' story has yet to be titled.

So, 2011 is ready-set-go. But remember, I'm right-brained. Before It's all done, I may have added an additional ten stories. The beauty of pixeltunes is they are short story form. With the exception of a few that absolutely need to be large team-oriented because of their full-length. The main thing is to keep things fun and hopefully entertaining. That's art swirl'd. Thanks for hanging out with this artist.