I absolutely love all styles of music. From R&B, Country, Rock, Jazz, and everything in between. Lately, I've been in a musical mode. Okay. I'm always in a musical mode. Telling a story musically, to be more exact. I've also been 'jammin'' to some George Gershwin. Just like that, this week, I heard "An American In Paris" in my head.
After a long conversation with a trusted friend, the end affect was, "Go with your heart." I love so many different arts. Blendigo. It's hard for me to box myself in with a narrowly defined style or approach. In other words, artistically, story-wise, I can be all over the map. One day, images of running through a field of flowers. The next? Images of running through a maze of metal. See what I mean? I guess, that's mixing it up a little.
The 'coach voice' says, "Focus." The 'teacher voice' says, "Visualize." So, between the teacher and the coach, I'm focusing on what to visualize. So glad love is in the mix. It's not a matter of confusion. It's a matter of menu. You know, standing in line, looking up at all the flavors. Despite my method, the puzzle is showing a recognizable direction. Complete picture...coming soon.
I have been working on my RetroVison series of stories, and I'm very excited about the progress. The image I created above is from a story that chronicles the fictional lives of a group of musicians who decided to help save their city. I created this piece in more of a cartoon style. It's meant to be entertaining with a retro vibe. These guys can dance! You can check out the video I uploaded earlier this week....
Thank you for hanging out with me today.