Monday, February 22, 2010

Character Scenes Film Clip

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

To Chase The Heart Film Clip

A musical montage to a few updated scenes from "To Chase The Heart."

Writers Thoughts:Naming Characters

"Naming characters can be a lot of fun. Sometimes the names literally describe a character, but that's sort of rare in character naming these days, as it can give away too much information about the character. And, if, for example, a character with a 'bad name' like, 'Imma Roach,' goes through a transformation into a nicer character in the story, their name no longer fits.

In naming my characters, I went for an inner feel, a name that just fit the personality. I did take artistic license in the naming of Maybelle Wright. Taking into consideration she is a character with wisdom of years, I liked the sound of her name. Granted, through Maybelle's eyes, because of her experiences, she does feel like she's always right.

I think back to my grandmother and even when I disagreed with her, because, yes, she was wrong at times, I did not openly, say, in her face, that she was wrong. I bit my tongue and let her THINK that she was right. Even in walking away, I knew, do not mumble-cuz she could hear. Real good. "Don't you back talk me."

Sometimes characters have ways that remind a writer of someone. That's cool, too. Because it does help to bring more heart to the story. However, I do refrain from taking too many liberties with making characters out of people I know. Sometimes I create a character and later say, "Wow. They remind of..." Thats cool, too."-Writer's Thoughts

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Story: To Chase The Heart

Chase Movie Poster

Peppermint Village Characters

These are the current characters in the first Peppermint Village story. Since it is a village, a city, as new stories develope, new characters will get introduced. For now, meet the cast....

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Behind The Scenes

I've uploaded some photos from my current film project my Peppermint Village series titled "To Chase The Heart." Coming up is a collection of writings on the inspiration, technique, and characters.

Inspiration: "To Chase The Heart"

So many things can be a combined inspiration for our work. With "To Chase The Heart," the first story in my Peppermint Village series, there were several sparks that led me to write this story.

First of all, my interest in music. I think all filmmakers start with a sort of familiarity. Something that is deeply engrained. So, music was key to build a story around. Secondly, my passion for things multicultural. I could not imagine creating a 'world' and not have it blended to reflect how I live, and what I believe.

Which brings the main thrust of the story, as it relates to one of the main characters, Donovan Dane, the classical piano player, who falls into this identity crisis after he meets Parker Vintalli of the band called Xkon, who, with his popularity, causes a joke to be made of "playing classical music." Donovan recalls a time in his life when he was excluded from the 'cool kids.'


Donovan thinks quitting and joining Xkon will make him 'cool again.' He even begins to play basketball, although sports is not his thing.

My premise is that, we are all chasing something. In my next blog, I will examine the relationship between Donovan Dane and his music teacher, Kendall Blair.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Film Blog Coming Together

I am currently working on some new graphics for my film blog layout. The new graphics will include my film projects and stories in the works, as well as those on the drawing board. I want to keep things 'free-flowing' so, I may bounce around from project to project. That's a good way to show how each work is going, and introduce 'what's new.'

Excited and feelin' the creative vibe!